
Executive Report for January 2024

Happy New Year, everyone! All the best in 2024! Welcome to the January updates from the Executive Committee. There is lots happening as the organization continues to update and to grow. Updates from the past month of operations, meetings and planning as well as upcoming events and plans for January and the start of a new year are listed below:

  • Have you emailed your MLA or MP lately? Think about reaching out and sharing your insights on our community or the Teachers Pension. Remember to focus on one issue though, and give your reason for doing so and a solution that you see
    (this helps our partners see a resolution to the concern and pathway forward). Keep your email short as your MLA or MP is very busy, you want your message to be easy to read and they will follow up if they want to discuss things in greater detail.
  • Our office will be connecting with our local politicians to schedule meetings with them in 2024. Our "RTAM requests for action" are important issues that we want to continue relating to them as well as solutions to those concerns.
  • Thank you to everyone who responded to the Luscious Orange survey. Over 500 members took time to share their input as to how to make our website serve their needs. In 2024, we are planning to launch our new much easier to access website.
  • Continue to focus on your personal wellness. Take care of yourself as you start 2024. Visit our website for free online seminars being planned weekly throughout 2024 and paid events and programs you can take part in if you want to stay active or interact with other retirees.
  • We are opening our RTAM hosted vacation to Croatia (with a visit to Slovenia) in the coming weeks. Visit our website to learn more about the trip and our host, from the RTAM Board of Directors Peter Narth!
  • Our Board of Directors is approving a multi-year strategic plan this month. The "strat-plan" as it's commonly referred to will help the organization plan long term goals and be a support tool for the office and Directors moving forward. We will be working through the strategic plan in January and February, to ensure the Board is comfortable with the new format and we hope to share the document leading up to the 2024 AGM.
  • Pre-Retirement seminars become a large focus for us and our partners at MTS as we start the new year. Please see our RTAM website to learn more about the seminars being offered by both groups and please help us share the information with potential retirees and those looking for a community in retirement.

The RTAM Executive

Linda Blair, President

Gabe Mercier, Vice President

Jayesh Maniar, Secretary

Brent Corrigan, Treasurer

Executive Report for the April 2024 e-newsletter

Welcome to April and one of the busiest months for the Board of Directors. Spring takes hold, what is left of our winter says goodbye and we start to see the return of warmer weather, longer days and the colours of nature coming back to life. Below are the updates from the Executive Committee from the past month.

  • REMINDER: we have set the date, location and format for the 2024 RTAM Annual General Meeting.
  • RTAM is still seeking volunteers for their Committees starting in May/June. RTAM Committees meet monthly other than during July and August and meetings usually last between one and two hours. We encourage you to join a committee or if you would like to suggest the formation of a new committee, please consider volunteering today! Forms can be sent to Denise in the office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • RTAM is still seeking 2-3 new Directors to join the Board for 2024-2025. If you are interested, please fill out a form and send it to Denise in the office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Instructions on the process can be found here.
    • We want to highlight 4 Directors who are seeking re-election to the Board. Please visit the AGM website to learn more about each Director and the positions they are seeking.
      • Gabe Mercier - Seeking to become RTAM President (Current Vice President)
      • Jayesh Maniar - Seeking to return as RTAM Secretary (Current Secretary)
      • Betty-Jean Checkley - Seeking to return as a Director (Currently a Director)
      • Peter Narth - Seeking to return as a Director (Currently a Director)
    • We would also like to thank the outgoing Directors for their time and dedication to our Board, Committees, Members, Community and Organization as a whole. These volunteers put in countless hours this year to help advance numerous documents, plans and project and helped RTAM grow. We have the utmost thanks for these amazing people completing their service and moving on to new adventures and challenges.
      • Linda Blair - President
      • Brent Corrigan - Treasurer
      • Dianne Snider - Director
      • Gisele Gregoire - Director
      • Kelvon Gordon Smith - Director
  • The tentative budget for 2024-2025 has been completed (pending approval at the AGM). This budget will deliver a new website, increased staffing, membership cards and protected money for Chapters moving forward! The budget can be found on the AGM page.
  • RTAM has partnered with the Canadian Federation for Economic Education (CFEE). This partnership was signed into effect this past month between both groups and will help deliver free seminars, courses and materials to our members over the coming months and years. These programs will not only offer a wealth of retirement, investment and tax knowledge to RTAM members almost immediately, the new partnership will also create volunteer and mentorship opportunities for retired teachers to work with active students. This partnership will help us engage with several layers and aspects of the retired teacher and education communities moving forward.
  • Meetings have continued with our website and CRM partners. This past month the Executive and the Board were shown some of the new features that will be accessible to our members through their new membership profiles and portals on the website. These new features will allow improved communication between members, Chapters and Special Interest Groups, while also increasing access to RTAM updates and giving each member more control over their profile and journey with RTAM.
  • We continue to offer our members online seminars and added even more events and seminars to the spring and summer program this past month. Please check the event page regularly for a list of upcoming events.
  • The golf tournament is just around the corner and we're excited to grow the event for another year. We will be heading back to Quarry Oaks for the second year in a row to experience 9 new holes as part of their 27 hole offerings. We are also going to be adding new events and features for those members taking part in the event:
    • Chance to win a car with a hole in one!
    • Photo booth for golfers to remember the day!
    • More prizes and snacks for everyone!!!
    • SAVE THE DATE - Friday August 30th, 2024
  • RTAM had their liaison meeting with MTS this past month and were able to talk about renewing the relationship for the coming years (which we hope to sign this spring) and all sorts of active teaching and retired teacher concerns in addition to updates that were brought up and reviewed. We are incredibly thankful for the time and partnership that MTS as well as Nathan Martindale (MTS President) and Cynthia Taylor (MTS Vice President) continue to offer us and our members.
  • RTAM is incredibly excited for our upcoming meeting with the Liberal Party at the Manitoba Provincial Legislative Building this month. Interim Party Leader, Cindy Lamoureux will be hosting a group of RTAM delegates for a meeting and review of current retired teacher concerns and ideas. This is the second meeting directly being held with Ministers and Party Leaders as we have just met with Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning, Nello Altomare in February. We continue the meetings in May or June with the leader of the opposition, Wayne Ewasko of the PC Party of Manitoba.
  • We continue to do some great work through our Substitute Teacher Concerns Committee and we really want to thank Gabe Mercier and Audrey Siemens for all their added work and effort to advance the group this past year. We are very excited for the upcoming seminar on April 27th discussing Substitute Teacher Concerns with our members. Audrey, Gabe and members of the RTAM Board of Directors as well as the Committee will be joining Brad Prokop from TRAF (who continue to be amazing and supportive partners to RTAM). Registration for this event can be found on our events page.


The RTAM Executive 

Linda Blair, President

Gabe Mercier, Vice President

Jayesh Maniar, Secretary

Brent Corrigan, Treasurer

Executive Report for February 2024 e-newsletter

Will the Groundhog see his shadow on February 2? Will we have an early Spring? Time will tell. The Executive Committee would like to welcome everyone to the February updates. We hope you'll find value in the updates listed here and the robust updates and links provided in our monthly electronic newsletter. Please always feel welcome to reach out to us with any questions at any time!

  • This month RTAM is meeting with the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning, Minister Nello Altomare. The RTAM "ASKS" with an emphasis on improving the Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) will be the topics discussed. The RTAM requests for action can be viewed online through our website.
    • A full write up on the meeting will be published in the Spring edition of KIT Magazine.
  • We have just set the date, location and format for the 2024 RTAM Annual General Meeting.
  • Have you ever wondered what being an RTAM Board member and/or Committee member would involve? Would you like to hear more about these positions? Think about registering for the Zoom presentation focused on Recruitment for these positions which is being held on Saturday, March 9 at 9:30 a.m. If you have specific questions/details that you would like to know more about, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration for the event will take place through this link. 
  • RTAM continues to work on our new website and Customer Relationship Management software. The scope of the project is immense and we thank everyone who has given time and feedback to RTAM and Luscious Orange through surveys, interviews and small batch projects.
    • The Board is working on a card sort project for the website this month (February)
    • The Board is working to approve a CRM partner later in February
    • Luscious Orange will make their final presentation and summary report to the Board in March
  • UNESCO is now an RTAM partner and we are excited to support them and their leadership programs for schools and students. To learn more about UNESCO, visit our website and their profile page.
  • We are also proud to be supplying volunteers to the Red Cross for their "community calls" program, which gives isolated Manitobans or those working through loneliness and depression a chance to connect and talk to someone over the phone, online or sometimes in person. We are now working to promote the program to our members while continuing to secure more volunteers.


The RTAM Executive 

Linda Blair, President

Gabe Mercier, Vice President

Jayesh Maniar, Secretary

Brent Corrigan, Treasurer

Executive Report for the May 2024 e-newsletter

Welcome to May and one of the busiest months for RTAM. We will have our AGM this month which allows us to thank and say goodbye to the volunteers and Directors who gave their time and energy to help RTAM grow. We will also have a chance to welcome new volunteers to the Board and to Committees which helps renew energy and ideas for another year. 

The new Directors will meet for the first time this month before they get to the June meeting and work through Director and Volunteer training with Volunteer Manitoba and a regular Board meeting with traditional business, discussion and debate. These two months are key to allowing them time to digest all the material and projects they'll be invested in for 2024-2025 and before the Board and Committees shut down for the summer months of July and August (the staff are still working full time though and the office is available for any of your questions or needs).

The Directors from the RTAM Board are looking forward to meeting some of the 10,500 members they have represented during the past year at our Annual General Meeting. It's been a busy year and we've heard from many of our members without having the chance to meet face to face or in person. We are excited for the chance to welcome everyone and share a meal together.

We are also excited as there are four new Board members ready to join the returning four Directors from this past year. We hope to have Gabe Mercier, Jayesh Maniar, Peter Narth and Betty-Jean Checkley return to the Board from this past year, Audrey Siemens who is looking to return from her time in 2022 and three new Directors, Jocelyne Fraser (the President of the EMR Chapter), Marilyn Wiebe (a member of the Student Awards Committee) and Vicky Hutchinson (joining us from the Calgary Chapter in Alberta). For further insight to the event and agenda, registering and participating in the RTAM AGM on May 8 will provide you with knowledge on the many accomplishments that the Board has achieved in 2023-2024.

We were fortunate to represent RTAM at Government house this past month. Our Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, the Honorable Anita Neville, has introduced a new series of presentations entitled “Reconciliation Through Education”. The presentations are live streamed and recorded for future viewing. A sixties scoop Anishinaabe survivor, Dr. Cary Miller from University of Manitoba titled her presentation “Unconscious Bias and Debunking Stereotypes” on Wednesday, April 17. She shared many interesting facts about history that are not widely known. To view this presentation, go to and click on Manitoba Lieutenant Governor and finally click on YouTube.

RTAM has now presented to all three political parties namely Nello Altomare (NDP), Cindy Lamoureux (Liberal) and Grant Jackson (Conservative). They were all receptive to hearing about our ASKS and our Substitute Teacher concerns. The NDP and Liberal parties hosted us in their offices on Broadway while Grant was gracious enough to visit us in the RTAM offices on Wellington. Watch for the dates and times of their online presentations to our members this fall, so you can hear from each of them about current issues related to retired teachers and older adults and have a chance to ask questions in a live forum.

Brad Prokop graciously joined our Substitute Teacher Concerns Committee on behalf of TRAF and gave a virtual presentation focused on the relationship between substituting and pension contributions. The details of how one’s pension amount is calculated when substituting is involved was remarkably intricate. The message to our active teachers is better to start seeking information early rather than later if substituting has been part of your teaching career. For retirees, the message is that factors such as your age play a role in the effect substituting may have on your actual income. Contact TRAF with any questions you may have, as each situation can be different.

We are in the final phases of the website and customer relationship management development for our organization. The past year saw us really work to understand our needs internally, the needs of a digital world and most importantly the needs of our members. The final phase contracts were signed this past month and the staff are now working with Luscious Orange and Growth Zone to help build the RTAM website of the future. We hope to launch the new site in September of 2024.

Lastly, but certainly not the least important message and update is a thank you to all the Directors who gave time this year to helping RTAM learn, grow, and include more members demographics and partners. Brent Corrigan (Treasurer), Kelvon Gordon Smith (Director), Dianne Snider (Director), Gisele Gregoire (Director) and Linda Blair (President) are all completing terms and service to RTAM. We want to thank each of them from the bottom of our hearts for their time, energy and passion for helping our members and community. We wish each of them the best as they move forward in retirement. 


Sincerely - The RTAM Executive 

Linda Blair, President

Gabe Mercier, Vice President

Jayesh Maniar, Secretary

Brent Corrigan, Treasurer

Executive Report for March 2024 e-newsletter

March is here and spring is just around the corner! With an incredible winter almost behind us, we may see more warm weather during March and an incredible spring ahead. We hope everyone is excited for the upcoming season change, warmer weather, more sunshine and more time with family and friends. The monthly report from our Executive Committee is below.

  • Based on RTAM having a successful meeting with Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning, Mr. Nello Altomare. We are preparing update packages for our committees which will explain some of the key updates and commitments that were shared by both parties. There were great synergies and commitments that came from our meeting with the Minister. However some of the Province's plans have to remain confidential at this time as they haven't been confirmed or are still awaiting updates. RTAM will begin to plan partnerships with the Ministers office based off our successful meeting and updates for our members as information and updates become available to share.
  • While at the Provincial Legislative Offices this past February, President Linda Blair also distributed letters of invitation to Cindy Lamoureux from the Liberal Party and Wayne Ewasko from the Conservative Party (both were essential in the successful passing of Bill 208 in 2023 and remain strong supporters of retired educators and older adults). All letters were well received by all three parties (the letter to the NDP was delivered to Nello directly during the in-person meeting) and they will be presenting to RTAM membership through live online (and free) Zoom sessions later this spring and throughout the summer and early fall of 2024. Members should count on presentations from each party directed specifically to the Retired Teachers Association of Manitoba and a Q&A segment will follow each presentation. Updates to the presentations will be published online as they become available.
  • REMINDER: we have set the date, location and format for the 2024 RTAM Annual General Meeting.
  • Have you ever wondered what being an RTAM Board member and/or Committee member would involve? Would you like to hear more about these positions? Think about registering for the Zoom presentation focused on Recruitment for these positions which is being held on Saturday, March 9 at 9:30 a.m. If you have specific questions/details that you would like to know more about, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration for the event will take place through this link. 
  • The RTAM Strategic plan has been completed and offers an exciting look into our next four years. We hope to grow our technological footprint, deliver stronger and more diverse communications, more programs and events, diversify our representation and increase staff... just to highlight some of the plans we are undertaking for the next few years! The Strategic Plan can be found on our website.
  • We continue to add new online programs and seminars every week. We are almost to our goal of one program every week until the end of June and have added new presentations like "Sleep 101", "Dealing with Grief" and "Aging and the Brain". With the presentations incoming from the Provincial Parties and Leaders, we know we will have more than what we need to get us through to the summer! Check back online often!
  • Award season is tied to the Annual General Meeting, this is a reminder that award nominations are due to the office by March 17th, 2024 if you're hoping to have someone recognized for Distinguished Service.
  • The tentative budget for 2024-2025 has been completed (pending approval at the AGM). This budget will deliver a new website, increased staffing, membership cards and protected money for Chapters moving forward!
  • RTAM (through their President) took part in an RTAM pre-retirement seminar and MTS pre-retirement seminar in February, with great feedback and interaction at both.
  • The RTAM Board of Directors and the RTAM Committees are working to create a new membership class based on a request from the University of Manitoba and since, other colleges and universities throughout Manitoba. This new membership class will be reviewed as part of the AGM during bylaw and policy updates.


The RTAM Executive 

Linda Blair, President

Gabe Mercier, Vice President

Jayesh Maniar, Secretary

Brent Corrigan, Treasurer

Executive Report for the June 2024 e-newsletter

By the time you receive this we will be well into June, say farewell to a wet May. Many of you are no doubt staring to plant a garden of some kind, but were delayed because of all that rain. My garden patch is all tilled ready for planting as I speak, and I hope that the two rows of corn that I planed before the rain have not rotted in the ground.

gabes garden

Photo of my 25x100 foot tilled garden ready for planting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for RTAM (with some additional and unexpected procedures) went well. The RTAM 2024 AGM of May 8, 2024, was at Hilton Airport Suites, 1800 Wellington Avenue, in Winnipeg. Quorum established with 63 members in attendance, either in person or by Zoom; the meeting was called to order at 9:10 am and Chairperson of Meeting was President Linda Blair.

The RTAM Choir opened the meeting with O Canada. The Land Acknowledgement and Blessing was by Elder Linda St. Cyr-Saric, we had greetings from Nello Altomare, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning and John Sushelnitsky honoured teachers that have passed followed by In Memoriam PowerPoint.

During the AGM there were by-laws discussions and amendments, motions and changes to the by-laws that were proposed by the executive. In the end the by laws were passed with amendments.

Presentations at the AGM were by:

  • Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning, Nello Altomare brought greetings from the NDP and Provincial Government
  • MTS, Nathan Martindale, Cynthia Taylor
  • TRAF, Jeff Norton, Brad Prokop
  • RTAM Representative on TRAF Board, Dave Najduch
  • Hearing Life, Cheryl

Below is our slated of elected 2024-2025 RTAM Board:

i. Past President – Linda Blair

ii. President: Gabe Mercier

iii. Vice-President:

iv. Secretary: Jayesh Maniar

v. Treasurer:

vi. Board Member: Betty-Jean Checkley

vii. Board Member: Peter Narth

viii. Board Member: Audrey Siemens

ix. Board Member: Marilyn Wiebe

x. Board Member: Vicky Hutchinson

xi. Board Member: Jocelyn Fraser

We have the utmost thanks for these generous volunteer members completing their service and moving on to new adventures and challenges.

  • Linda Blair - President
  • Brent Corrigan - Treasurer
  • Dianne Snider - Director
  • Gisele Gregoire - Director
  • Kelvon Gordon Smith - Director

The budget for 2024-2025 was passed at the AGM.

  • Membership Fees remain at $3 per month/$36 per year.
  • Reimbursement rates for 2024-25 remain the same as 2023-24.
  • Meals: breakfast $18.00, lunch $24.00, supper $30.00
  • Travel: private vehicle $0.60 per kilometer
  • Air/bus: by receipt
  • Hotel: $180.00 per night (max), Private: $90.00 per night (max)
  • Computer consumables: by receipt to a maximum of $120.00

As a board we will have a reorganizational meeting soon to fill our various positions and already many elected members of the board have indicated their committee preference. Also, we will be working with the incoming board membership for a possible fall AGM.

Our golf tournament is just around the corner and we're excited to grow the event for another year. We will be heading back to Quarry Oaks for the second year in a row to experience 9 new holes as part of their 27-hole offerings. We are also going to be adding new events and features for those members taking part in the event:

  • Chance to win a car with a hole in one!
  • Photo booth for golfers to remember the day!
  • More prizes and snacks for everyone!!!
  • SAVE THE DATE - Friday August 30th, 2024

Jayesh Maniar and I will be attending the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER CART) Annual General Meeting over several days in Ottawa this June. We are excited to represent RTAM and Manitoba at the annual event. There have been lots of changes within ACER CART in the past year, and I work on several of their working groups and committees to help with planning and future growth. Please take a look at some of the things ACER CART is working on or through as changes from this past year:

  • RTOERO the Ontario group of retired teachers has left ACER CART
    • They have done this to take their insurance plan national
    • They are trying to take members from other retired teacher groups provincially and bring them into their national plan
    • This will mean the end of several provincial associations in the coming years as they lose their revenue model and won’t be able to sustain staff and programs through membership fees alone
    • This means the largest financial contributor to ACER CART has left the group
  • The Executive and leadership of ACER CART are working on a new Strategic Plan to help drive a new vision and future growth with the changes to RTOERO and them leaving the national family
  • A SWOT analysis is being done to help drive the needs of the Strategic Plan and considers the unique needs of each province
  • Western Canadian meetings are happening with RTAM, BCRTA and ARTA to try and come up with solutions that will support ACER CART while also combatting the encroachment of RTO.
  • We hope to have a thorough report to members in the July e-news and Fall KIT.

Please check the event page regularly for a list of upcoming events.

Have restful and enjoyable summer!


Sincerely – The Executive Committee

Gabe Mercier, President

Linda Blair, Past President

Jayesh Mania, Secretary

Sean Seywright, Executive Director