At Your Service

Student Awards

Student Awards

Jayesh Maniar (Winnipeg) – Chair 

  • Kathy Bellemare (Dauphin)
  • Betty-Jean Checkley (Portage la Prairie)
  • Judy Danchura (Winnipeg)
  • Peggy Prendergast (Winnipeg)
  • Marilyn Wiebe (Winnipeg)
  • Joan Zaretsky (Winnipeg)

Student Award Committee Highlights 2022-2023

The Student Awards Committee met on the mornings of August 29, 2022 and September 1, 2022.

We were pleased to welcome three new members to the Committee – Kathy Bellemare, Judy Danchura and Marilyn Wiebe. After reviewing our Operating Manual, we discussed the process for the selection of this year’s winners. We used a matrix developed in the past and discussed the development of a more definitive rubric for future selection processes. We also discussed how we can expand our Awards to include students in various post-secondary settings and stages of study. We spent the days between the dates above assessing the 40 applications we had received. Four applicants were selected and presented to the RTAM Board for approval on September 15, 2023. The award winners and their RTAM sponsors were announced in the December KIT magazine.

Congratulations to all the students who applied for our RTAM Awards, as your talents are most admirable! We continue to be so impressed by your involvement in all the miraculous activities, and your demonstration of remarkable skills you have developed, during your high school experience! We also want to thank all the RTAM members who have contributed to our Winnipeg Foundation Endowment Fund as you have allowed us to support the future success of our Award winners.

Student Awards Resources & Information