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Executive Committee Updates: June 2024

June 15, 2024

Announcements, Executive Committee Updates

Executive Report for June 2024

By the time you receive this, we will be well into June and saying farewell to a wet May.

Many of you are no doubt starting to plant a garden of some kind, but were delayed because of all that rain. My garden patch is all tilled and ready for planting as I speak, and I hope that the two rows of corn that I planted before the rain have not rotted in the ground.

Photo of my 25' x 100' tilled garden ready for planting

Updates from the RTAM AGM

Held on May 8, 2024 at Hilton Airport Suites in Winnipeg, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) (with some additional and unexpected procedures) went well.

Quorum established with 63 members in attendance, either in person or by Zoom; the meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. and the chairperson was President Linda Blair.

The RTAM Choir opened the meeting with O Canada. After a land acknowledgement and blessing from Elder Linda St. Cyr-Saric, we heard greetings from Nello Altomare, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning. John Sushelnitsky honoured teachers who have passed, followed by an In Memoriam PowerPoint.

During the AGM, there were bylaw discussions and amendments, motions and changes proposed by the executive. In the end, the bylaws were passed with amendments.

Presentations at the AGM were by:

  • Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning Nello Altomare brought greetings from the NDP and provincial government
  • MTS, Nathan Martindale, Cynthia Taylor
  • TRAF, Jeff Norton, Brad Prokop
  • RTAM representative on TRAF board, Dave Najduch
  • Hearing Life, Cheryl

Below is our slate of elected 2024-2025 RTAM board members:

  1. Past President: Linda Blair
  2. President: Gabe Mercier
  3. Vice-President:
  4. Secretary: Jayesh Maniar
  5. Treasurer:
  6. Board Member: Betty-Jean Checkley
  7. Board Member: Peter Narth
  8. Board Member: Audrey Siemens
  9. Board Member: Marilyn Wiebe
  10. Board Member: Vicky Hutchinson
  11. Board Member: Jocelyn Fraser

We have the utmost thanks for these generous volunteer members completing their service and moving on to new adventures and challenges.

  • Linda Blair: President
  • Brent Corrigan: Treasurer
  • Dianne Snider: Director
  • Gisele Gregoire: Director
  • Kelvon Gordon Smith: Director

The budget for 2024-2025 was passed at the AGM.

  • Membership fees remain at $3 per month/$36 per year.
  • Reimbursement rates for 2024-25 remain the same as 2023-24.
  • Meals: breakfast $18.00, lunch $24.00, supper $30.00
  • Travel: private vehicle $0.60 per kilometre
  • Air/bus: by receipt
  • Hotel: $180.00 per night (max), private: $90.00 per night (max)
  • Computer consumables: by receipt to a maximum of $120.00

As a board, we will have a reorganizational meeting soon to fill our various positions, and already many elected members of the board have indicated their committee preference. Also, we will be working with the incoming board membership for a possible fall AGM.

RTAM Golf Tournament

Our golf tournament is just around the corner and we're excited to grow the event for another year. We will be heading back to Quarry Oaks for the second year in a row to experience nine new holes as part of their 27-hole offerings. We are also going to be adding new events and features for those members taking part in the event:

  • Chance to win a car with a hole-in-one
  • Photo booth for golfers to remember the day
  • More prizes and snacks for everyone

Save the date for Friday, August 30, 2024!

ACER-CART AGM and Updates

Jayesh Maniar and I will be attending the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers' (ACER-CART) Annual General Meeting over several days in Ottawa this June. We are excited to represent RTAM and Manitoba at the annual event.

There have been lots of changes within ACER-CART in the past year, and I work on several of their working groups and committees to help with planning and future growth. Please take a look at some of the things ACER-CART is working on or through as changes from this past year:

  • RTOERO, the Ontario group of retired teachers, has left ACER-CART.
    • They have done this to take their insurance plan national.
    • They are trying to take members from other retired teacher groups provincially and bring them into their national plan.
    • This will mean the end of several provincial associations in the coming years as they lose their revenue model and won’t be able to sustain staff and programs through membership fees alone.
    • This means the largest financial contributor to ACER-CART has left the group.
  • The executive and leadership of ACER-CART are working on a new strategic plan to help drive a new vision and future growth with the changes to RTOERO and them leaving the national family.
  • A SWOT analysis is being done to help drive the needs of the strategic rlan and considers the unique needs of each province.
  • Western Canadian meetings are happening with RTAM, BCRTA and ARTA to try and come up with solutions that will support ACER-CART while also combatting the encroachment of RTO.
  • We hope to have a thorough report to members in the July e-news and fall issue of KIT.

Please check the Events page regularly for a list of upcoming events.

Have restful and enjoyable summer!


The Executive Committee

Gabe Mercier, President
Linda Blair, Past President
Jayesh Mania, Secretary
Sean Seywright, Executive Director