Executive Committee Update - February 2025
February 4, 2025

President’s Message on behalf of the RTAM Board of Directors
This month offers opportunity to celebrate friendships and bonds that we have cultivated with family, friends, and other retired teachers. In February, we also notice our hours of daylight getting longer which brings its own excitement and exuberance. This winter, with the temperatures ranging from +1° to -32°, it is important to take necessary steps to stay healthy.
Education Associate Membership
RTAM is beginning the process of enrolling new members from the University of Manitoba Retirees Association (UMRA). Shortly, we will have an increase to our membership numbers.
AGM Attendance
I was heartened to see such a large member turnout for the November 20, 2024 AGM. We had over 100 members attend. We had so many positive comments about how the AGM was run and the deportment of our members during this meeting. As this was a first time we tried an online meeting of this type, we also had some growing pains. Some members had trouble with the voting process and some others found the speed of presentation to be too fast. We learn from these bumps in the road and will try to improve for the next time. But, all in all, the AGM was a success. A hearty thank-you to all members for taking the time to attend and contribute as well as to the staff and Board of Directors for all their efforts in organizing the AGM.
Liability Insurance
RTAM is also updating and revising our liability insurance policy to ensure that all staff, Board members, and members participating in RTAM sponsored events are properly covered under the new liability insurance plan. It is important to note that if your spouse or a partner is participating in an RTAM event, they are not automatically covered with our liability insurance. There are two options for a spouse or a member to be protected with insurance for any liability issues that may suddenly arise. Option 1 is to become an associate member. Option 2 is that they can purchase the liability insurance through RTAM for one month for about $4. The one-month option provides insurance to participants for RTAM activities for only that month.
Acting Vice-President
There was a need on the Executive to fill the Vice-President’s position. Linda Blair, past-President, has agreed to take on the role of acting VP. The Board of Directors appreciate the vast experience she brings to RTAM.
Chapter Presidents and Special Interest Groups’ Meeting
Chapter Presidents’ Meeting was held on January 16, 2025. They received some exciting news about increased funding as well as support for regional activities. Grants to each chapter account will be topped up to $2000 to enable the Chapters to be more involved with their Chapter Members. We value our Chapters and Special Interest Groups and how they bring together retired teachers.
If a member would like to undertake opening a Chapter within their area, please contact the Executive Director.
Substitute Teachers
RTAM is excited to announce the launch of its newest initiative—the RTAM Substitute Teacher Concerns Committee Survey for 2024-2025. This comprehensive survey, developed by the Substitute Teacher Concerns Committee, aims to gather valuable insights from substitute teachers who are members of RTAM. The information collected will help RTAM better understand the current challenges faced by substitute educators, providing an opportunity to advocate for meaningful change in the work environment and help improve conditions for retirees who continue to work as substitutes.
RTAM used to publish names of deceased member’s names in our KIT as we became aware of a member passing. RTAM has had several issues where some families did not want us to publish the name of their deceased member. We have also had complaints when we didn’t know and thus didn’t publish a deceased member’s name. RTAM is working on developing a process to get permission from families of deceased retired educator in order to publish their name. Other jurisdictions may have different policies on publishing deceased member names. We will keep the membership apprised of our process when we develop it.
As always, we encourage you to stay active and engaged. Your participation in RTAM/Chapter sponsored activities strengthens our community. Be safe, well and joyful.
On behalf of the RTAM Board of Directors,
Jayesh Maniar,