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Fall Changes, Updates and RTAM Growth for the Future

August 19, 2024


Embracing Change

The Fall is bringing a lot of changes and updates to RTAM. We're excited to list some of those updates below, but if you have questions about changes to your digital membership, events, programs, chapters or special interest groups... please don't hesitate to reach out to us in the office.

Phone - (204) 889 - 3660

Email - info@rtam.mb.ca

1. Special Interest Groups are starting up again! We have two Special Interest Groups which are growing for the future and are open to RTAM members who would like to join!

- The French Book Club works through a French novel over the course of about 2 months. There are online meetings and every now and then an in person meeting. We would love to have you join if you're a fan of French literature or you would like to practice the beautiful language. Le Club du Lecture Français travaille sur un roman Français pendant environ 2 mois. Il y a des réunions en ligne et de temps en temps une réunion en personne. Nous serions ravis de vous accueillir si vous êtes un fan de littérature française ou si vous souhaitez pratiquer cette belle langue.

- The RTAM Choir meets weekly from the Fall through the Winter and into the Spring. They prepare for Holiday concerts in December and Spring concerts in May and June before the break. The Choir does not practice or perform during the summer months of July and August and they take two week breaks in June and late December.

2. Events... We have so many online events, in person event and free events coming for our members. Seminars, presentations and workshops. Special guest speakers, political town halls just for RTAM members and a new Fall AGM. Check out the events page for updates, but there will be at least one offering per week until next July.

3. A new website has been launched! We have a new look, new access and a platform that will now grow with our business for the foreseeable future. It will allow us to become more incluse of our French and Indigenous members and retired teachers while also helping to improve communication and connections between members.

4. Your new member profile is tied to the website! We would love for you to log in and complete your profile and even look at some of the videos of how to use your new profile. It will help you message and connect with other members, track your membership usage, stay up to date with your Chapter or SIG and in the near future, it will tie to your RTAM membership card and RTAM benefits!

5. Coming this fall are town halls! Our past president and current president have been working hard with our political partners, and we will see Cindy Lamoureux from the Liberal Party, Nello Altomare from the NDP and Greg Jackson from the PC Party all host their own online town hall with RTAM members this fall and winter! Members will get to see presentations which are specific to them and their community and also have the chance to ask questions directly to the leaders. Look for the announcements about the three town hall meetings later in September!

6. A Fall Annual General Meeting has been called. This is a new time for the RTAM AGM, but it was a necessary change. Traditionally we report our finances in May, which is about 10-11 months after our fiscal year end for RTAM. The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) reccomends that all non-profit organizations hold their AGM's within 6 months of their year end completing, to offer their members a quick turn around and the best transparency. RTAM has moved their AGM to Wednesday November 20th, 2024 to become compliant with this request. The RTAM fiscal year end is June 30th and our audit is normally returned to the Board of Directors in October for their review. November marks the quickest we can expect to update and serve the membership. We look forward to seeing everyone online this November.

These are just some of the changes coming to the RTAM network, office and community. Please reach out if you need assistance with anything, and please come back often to check for new stories, updates and connections!